The NEST® Cushion

The FIRST Medical Pressure Relieving Cushion that can be thoroughly cleaned and thermally disinfected

Exceptional pressure distribution

Excellent Hygiene Properties

Improves blood flow circulation

Prevents and treats pressure ulcers/injuries

The Nest® Cushion has excellent pressure distribution properties as it disperses the load away from the patient through the interlocking loops. This reduces the external pressures (skin interface pressures) and more importantly the internal pressures (deep tissue stresses) that cause the majority of pressure injuries.

Blood flow circulation

The Nest® Cushion allows better blood flow circulation in the sacral area as well as in the gastrocnemius muscle during seating compared to polyurethane foam.


The Nest® Cushion is 90% air, creating excellent breathability, which is 10 times more effective than foam so that humidity and temperature remain constant preventing heat jam in the cushion.

Inhibits bacteria and is easily cleaned and disinfected

The Nest® Cushion, as evident by meeting SEK standards, inhibits bacteria and has superior anti microbial and deodorant properties. SEK is an internationally recognised quality standard for textiles and finished goods.

  • The Nest® material can be cleaned in a domestic washing machine.
  • Can be disinfected as it can withstand temperatures above 140°C
  • Easily tumbled or air dried.

Superior durability with exceptional stability and comfort

The Nest® Cushion has longer lasting durability and compression recovery than polyurethane foam after 80,000 test repetitions and cannot be punctured.